Tuesday 16 December 2014

Studio 5 Project 1

Site Analysis on Jalan Tun Hs Lee

Objective :

1. To have an overview of the formation of cities and introduce basic concepts of urban design in         relation to architectural design
2.  To introduce and implement basic methodologies of urban studies
3.  To investigate the role of market-places in traditional and contemporary urban societies
4.  To examine various examples and architectural responses for urban infills

Learning Outcomes:

1.  Conduct case studies and site analysis to generate an understanding of the physical and cultural    context and development of urban environments
2.  Determine and describe the role of a market-place in a contemporary urban setting
3.  Examine and establish appropriate architectural responses and strategies for designing within an    urban infill site
4.  Produce necessary documentation (diagrams, mappings, photographic images, orthographic drawings and models) to record and communicate site analysis findings, and for further use in the coming design stages

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