Friday 13 December 2013

TGC Form for Design Studio 4

Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia (MASSA)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture)
Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) Reflection Form

Name and Student ID: Yuvita Raj 1102P77164

Module and Code: Design Studio 4     
Please fill in the individual tasks undertaken of each module to measure the achievement of the Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC). The contents in this form will be used for Portfolio Assessment. Failure to submit this form to the Module Coordinator with your Portfolio is deemed as an INCOMPLETE submission for the module which can result in a Fail (F) grade.
Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC)
State the projects and tasks you have undertaken to achieve the specified TGC. Note ‘NA’ for non-applicable TGCs.
Discipline Specific Knowledge
TGC: Discipline Specific Knowledge

Able to put theory into practice
Project 1: We needed to come up with reality programmers.
Understand ethical issues in the context of the field of study
Project 1: Making site analysis
Understand professional practice within the field of study
Project 1: Analyzing the site area and the musuem
Cognitive Capabilities 
TGC: Lifelong Learning

Learn independently
Project 2: Coming up with an allocation of areas with programs
Locate, extract, synthesise and utilise information effectively
Be intellectually engaged
Project 2
TGC: Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Think critically and creatively
 Project 1 and 2: Coming up with programs and a design to fit it.
Define and analyse problems to arrive at effective solutions
 Project 1
Soft Skills
TGC: Communication Skills

Communicate appropriately in various settings and modes
Project 1 and 2: Presentation skills were being put to the test
TGC: Interpersonal Skills

Understand team dynamics and mobilise the power of teams
Project 1 as it was a team work
Understand and assume leadership
TGC: Intrapersonal Skills

Manage one-self and be self-reliant
Project 2 as it was individual worl
Reflect on one’s actions and learning
Project 1 as we could compare ideas in a group
Embody Taylor's core values

TGC: Citizenship and Global Perspectives

Be aware and form opinions from diverse perspectives
Project 2: Getting opinions from external critics
Understand the value of civic responsibility and community engagement
Project 1: Understanding the laws of photo journalism in a public area.
TGC: Digital Literacy

Effective use of information communication and related technologies (ICT)
Project 1 and 2: Using the skills or Autocad and 3D max

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Project 3: Visual Representing of the Site 

To develop self-directed and analytical skills in planning, conducting and presenting place
Learning outcomes
Produce creative production to visualize and re-present place.

Project 2: Research Proposal
We are to choose an aspect of the urban site that we are interested in.

Theme Chosen:
Urban veranda: interaction between streets, pedestrian walkways and the shop-fronts (veranda as a place for people to mingle, rest)

Representing Places Portfolio

Project 1 : We were asked to come up with a painting that best resembles ourselves. Hence this painting resembles how I can be quiet on the outside, but yet a loud out going person on the inside.

Building Science 2

Project 2: Design Studio

Design Studio 4 Project 2

  • To develop awareness of environmental sustainability in architectural design.
  • To develop the student’s ability to meet the imperative and inter-related environmental and social needs, as well as make poetry with the buildings.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the subject, students will be able to:
  • Apply ideas of environmental sustainability in design
  • Design and create architectural spaces with consideration of environmental poetic in relation to the basic natural context and existing built context which impact on users’ experiences
  •  Combine the environmental needs, the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), and the users’ experiences within simple building design in the open landscape/suburban context.
  • Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas based on clustered spatial typology.

Project 1: Design Studio

Design Studio 4 Project 1 

Identify and analyze environmental and social needs of a site

Learning Outcomes
Identify site condition, topography, vegetation and socio-cultural events
Identify environmental features that influence architectural design
Identify environmental and social needs of a site
 Analyze environmental and social needs of a site

Portfolio Studio 4

Architecture Design Studio 4 Ice Breaking Project